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Research: Welcome

I am a health and labor economist working mainly in the areas of substance use (tobacco product, alcohol, and illicit drugs), mental health, and public policies.  I am a Co-Editor at the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management and an Associate Editor at the Journal of Health Economics.  I am a Research Associate in the Health Economics Program at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) and a Research Affiliate at the Institute for Labor Economics (IZA).  With Michael Pesko, Ce Shang, and Justin White I am a Founding and Executive Board Member of the Tobacco Online Policy Seminar (  To date, I have published 74 peer-reviewed articles and one book chapter, and my research has been funded by the National Institutes of Health, Food and Drug Administration, American Cancer Society, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Washington Center for Equitable Growth, Wellbeing Trust, the Alfred P Sloan Foundation, and the American Heart Association.  

Research: About
Working papers

“Medicaid reimbursement rates and behavioral health.” (Joint with Chandler McClellan, Michael Pesko, and Daniel Polsky).  Revise and Re-submit.

            -NBER Working Paper 24805. 


“The effect of e-cigarette taxes on pre-pregnancy and prenatal smoking, and birth outcomes.” (Joint with Rahi Abouk, Scott Adams, Bo Feng, and Michael Pesko).  Revise and Re-submit.

            -NBER Working Paper 26126.


“The effects of health insurance parity laws for substance use disorder treatment on traffic fatalities.” (Joint with Ioana Popovici and Michael T. French).  Revise and Re-submit.

            -NBER Working Paper 23388.


“Intended and unintended effects of e-cigarette taxes on youth tobacco use.” (Joint with Rahi Abouk, Charles Courtemanche, Dhaval Dave, Bo Feng, Abigail Friedman, Michael Pesko, Joseph Sabia, and Samuel Safford). Revise and Re-submit.

            -NBER Working Paper 29216.


“Mandated sick pay: Coverage, utilization, and welfare effects” (Joint with Stefan Pichler and Nicolas Ziebarth). Revise and Re-submit.

            -NBER Working Paper 26832.


“Effect of a federal paid sick leave mandates on social-distancing and self-quarantining.” (Joint with Martin Andersen, Michael Pesko, and Kosali Simon). Revise and Re-submit.

            -NBER Working Paper 27138.


“Does marijuana legalization affect work capacity? Evidence from Workers’ Compensation benefits.” (Joint with Rahi Abouk, Keshar Ghimire, and David Powell). Revise and Re-submit.  

            -NBER Working Paper 28471.


“Recreational cannabis legalization and opioid distribution.” (Joint with David Bradford, Coleman Drake, and Shyam Raman). Revise and Re-submit.


“Evictions and psychiatric treatment.” (Joint with Ashley Bradford)


“Psychiatric treatment centers and police officer safety.” (Joint with Monica Deza and Thanh Lu)

Published papers

(71) Maclean, J.C., Webber, D. (2022) Government regulation and wages: Evidence from continuing coverage mandates.  Labour Economics. Accepted.


(70) Deza, M., Lu, T., Maclean J.C. (2022) Office-based mental healthcare and juvenile arrests.  Health Economics.  Accepted.

            -NBER Working Paper 29465.


(69) Maclean, J.C., Mallet, J., Ruhm, C., Simon, K. (2022) The opioid crisis, health, healthcare, and crime: A review of economic studies.  ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. Accepted.


((68) Meinhofer, A., Bao, Y., Maclean, J.C., Witman, A. Prenatal substance use policies and newborn health. Health Economics. Accepted.


(67) Maclean, J.C., Durrance, C., Akins, D., Witman, A., Meinhofer, A. (2022) Prenatal substance use policies and infant maltreatment reports.  Health Affairs.  Accepted. 


(66) Deza, M., Maclean, J.C., Solomon, K.T. (2021) Access to mental healthcare providers and local crime. Journal of Urban Economics.  129: 103410.

-NBER Working Paper 27619.


(65) Hamersma, S., Maclean, J.C. (2021) How do specialty substance use disorder treatment providers respond to public insurance expansions?  Evidence from Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program. Journal of Health Economics.  76: 102434.


(64) Maclean, J.C., Buckell, J. (2021) Information and sin goods: Experimental evidence on cigarettes. Health Economics.  30(2): 289-310.

              -NBER Working Paper 25632. 


(63) Maclean, J.C., Ghimire, K., Hersh Nicholas., L. (2021) Legalization of marijuana and disability claiming.  Health Economics. 30(2): 453-469.

              -NBER Working Paper 23862.


(62) Horn, B., Joshi, A., Maclean, J.C. (2021) Substance use disorder treatment centers and residential property values.  American Journal of Health Economics. 7(2):185-221.

              -NBER Working Paper 25427.


(61) Hamersma, S., Maclean, J.C. (2021) Insurance expansions and adolescent use of substance use disorder treatment.  Health Services Research.  56(2):256-267,

              -NBER Working Paper 24499.


(60) Maclean, J.C., Simon, K., Wen, H., Saloner, B. (2021) The Impact of IMD waivers on payment arrangements and care in substance use disorder treatment facilities.  Health Affairs.  40(2): 326-333.


(59) Gruber, J., Maclean, J.C., Volpp, K., Wilkinson, E., Wright, B. (2020) The effect of increased cost-sharing on low-value service use.  Health Economics. 29(4): 1180-1201.

              -NBER Working Paper 22875.


(58) Pesko, M.F., Courtemanche, C.J., Maclean, J.C. (2020) The effects of traditional cigarette and e-cigarette tax rates on adult tobacco use. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 60(3): 229–258.

              -NBER Working Paper 26017.


(57) McClellan, C., Saloner, B., McGinty, B., Maclean, J.C., Pesko, M. (2020) Integrated care models and behavioral healthcare utilization: Quasi-experimental evidence from Medicaid Health Homes.  Health Economics.  29(9): 1086-1097.


(56) Blunt, E., Maclean, J.C., Popovici, I, Marcus, S.  (2020) Public health insurance expansions and mental healthcare availability.  Health Services Research.  55(4): 615-625.


(55) Maclean, J.C., Halpern, M.T., Hill, S.C., Pesko, M.F. (2020) The effect of Medicaid expansion on prescriptions for breast cancer hormonal therapy medications.  Health Services Research.  55(3): 399–410.


(54) Bains, J., Cook B., Maclean, J.C., Pesko, M. (2020) Tobacco surcharge use among small employers declines without increase in tobacco cessation programs.  Health Affairs. 39(5): 473–48.


(53) Saloner, B., Maclean J.C.  (2020) Specialty substance use disorder treatment admissions steadily increased in the four years after Medicaid expansion. Health Affairs.  39(3): 453–461.


(52) Ghimire, K., Maclean, J.C. (2020) Medical marijuana and Workers' Compensation claiming.  Health Economics.  29(4): 419-434.


(51) Maclean, J.C., Cantor, J., Horn, B. (2020) Business cycles and admissions to substance abuse treatment.  Contemporary Economic Policy.  38(1): 139-154.

              -NBER Working Paper 19115.


(50) Maclean, J.C., Pesko, M.F., Hill, S.C. (2019) The effect of insurance expansions on smoking cessation medication use: Evidence from recent Medicaid expansions.  Economic Inquiry. 57(4): 1798-1820.

              -NBER Working Paper 23450.


(49) Hill, S.C., Solomon, K.T., Maclean, J.C., Pesko, M.F. (2019) Effects of improvements in the CPS on the estimated prevalence of medical financial burdens.  Health Services Research.  54(4): 920–929.


(48) Nicholas, L.H., Maclean, J.C. (2019) The effect of medical marijuana laws on the labor supply of older adults: Evidence from the Health and Retirement Study.  Journal of Policy Analysis and Management.  38(2): 455-480. 

              -NBER Working Paper 22688.


(47) Maclean, J.C., Saloner, B. (2019) The effect of public insurance expansions on substance use disorder treatment: Evidence from the Affordable Care Act. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management.  38(2): 366-393.

              -NBER Working Paper 23342.


(46) Maclean, J.C., Carson, N., Cook, B.L., Pesko, M.  (2018) Public insurance and prescription medications for mental illness. B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy. Online.

              -NBER Working Paper 23760.


(45) Maclean, J.C., Popovici, I., Stern, E.R. (2018) Health insurance expansions and provider behavior: Evidence from substance use disorder treatment. Journal of Law and Economics. 61(2): 279-310.

              -NBER Working Paper 23094.


(44) Buckell, J., Marti, J., Maclean, J.C., Sindelar, J.S. (2018) To ‘vape’ or smoke? Experimental evidence on adult smokers.  Economic Inquiry.  57(1): 705-725.

              -NBER Working Paper 22079.


(43) Maclean, J.C., Webber, D.A., Sindelar, J.S. (2018) Immigration and access to fringe benefits: Evidence from the Tobacco Use Supplements.  Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society.  57(2): 235-259. 

              -NBER Working Paper 19753.


(42) Maclean, J.C., Marti, J., Oney, M., Sindelar, J. (2018) What factors predict the passage of state-level e-cigarette regulations? Health Economics. 57: 897–907. 


(41) Bains, J., Pesko, M.F., Maclean, J.C., Cook, B. (2018) Nearly half of small employers using tobacco surcharges do not provide tobacco cessation wellness programs.  Health Affairs.  37(3): 473–481.


(40) Popovici, I., Maclean, J.C., Hijazi, B., and Radakrishnan, S. (2018) The effect of state laws designed to prevent nonmedical prescription opioid use on overdose deaths and treatment.  Health Economics.  27(2): 294-305.


(39) Maclean, J.C., Saloner, B. (2018) Substance use treatment provider behaviors and healthcare reform: Evidence from Massachusetts. Health Economics. 27(1): 76-101. 


(38) Saloner, B., Akosa  Antwi, Y., Maclean, J.C., Le Cook, B. (2018) Access to health insurance and utilization of substance use treatment: Evidence from the Affordable Care Act dependent coverage provision.  Health Economics.  27(1): 50-75. 


(37) Horn, B., Maclean, J.C., Strain, M. (2017) Do minimum wage increases impact worker health? Economic Inquiry. 55(4): 1986–2007.

-NBER Working Paper 22578.


(36) Pesko, M.F., Maclean, J.C., Hill, S., and Kaplan, C. (2017) Trends over time in enrollment in non-group health insurance plans by tobacco use in the United States. Preventive Medicine Reports.  7: 46-49.


(35) Maclean, J.C., Hill, T.H. (2017) Economic conditions at school-leaving and sleep patterns across the life course. B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy.  17(2): Online.


(34) Cawley, J.H., Maclean, J.C., Sikora Kessler, A. (2017) Reporting error in weight and height among older adults: Implications for estimating healthcare costs. The Journal of the Economics of Ageing.  9: 122-144.  


(33) Richards, M., Marti, J., Maclean, J.C., Fletcher, J., Kenkel, D. (2017) Tobacco control policies, Medicaid coverage, and the demand for smoking cessation drugs. American Journal of Health Economics.  3(4): 528-549. 


(32) Maclean, J.C. (2016) Does leaving school in an economic downturn affect body weight?: Evidence from panel data. Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society. 55(1):122-148.


(31) Maclean, J.C., Covington, R., Sikora Kessler, A. (2016) Labor market conditions at school-leaving:

Long-run effects on marriage and fertility. Contemporary Economic Policy. 34(1): 63-88. 


(30) Maclean, J.C., Popovici, I., French, M.T. (2016) Are natural disasters in early childhood associated with mental health and substance use disorders as an adult. Social Science & Medicine. 151: 78-91.


(29) French, M.T., Robins, P., Maclean, J.C., Sayed, B., Shiferaw, L. (2016) Tattoos, employment, and labor market earnings: Is there a link in the ink? Southern Economic Journal. 82(4): 1212-1246.

       -- Winner of the 2016 Georgescu-Roegen Prize.  The Georgescu-Roegen Prize is awarded each year by the Southern Economic Association® to the author(s) of the best academic article published in the Southern Economic Journal®.


(28) Maclean, J.C., Sikora Kessler, A., Kenkel, D.S. (2016) Cigarette taxes and older adult smoking: Evidence from the Health and Retirement Study. Health Economics. 25(4): 424-438.


(27) Beidas, R.S, Maclean, J.C. Fishman, J., Dorsey, S., Schoenwald, S., Mandell, D.S., Shea, J.A., McLeod, B.D., French, M.T., Hogue, A., Adams, D.R., Lieberman, A., Becker-Haimes, E., & Marcus, S.C.  (2016) A randomized trial to identify accurate and cost-effective fidelity measurement methods for cognitive-behavioral therapy: Project FACTS study protocol. BMC Psychiatry.  16(1): 323-333. 


(26) Ghimire. K., Maclean, J.C. (2015) Economic conditions at school-leaving and self-employment. Economics Letters. 137: 154-156.


(25) Maclean, J.C., Hill, T. (2015) Leaving school in an economic downturn and self-esteem across early and middle adulthood. Labour Economics. 37: 1-12. 


(24) Boes, S., Marti, J., Maclean, J.C. (2015) The impact of smoking bans on consumer behavior: Quasi-experimental evidence from Switzerland. Health Economics.  24(11):1502-1516.


(23) Cawley, J.H., Maclean, J.C., Hammer, M., Wintfeld, N. (2015) Reporting error in weight and its implications for estimates of the economic consequences of obesity. Economics and Human Biology.  19(12):27-44.


(22) Maclean, J.C. (2015) The lasting effects of leaving school in an economic downturn on alcohol use. Industrial and Labor Relations Review.  68(1): 120-152.


(21) Sikora Kessler, A., Maclean, J.C. (2015) An economic perspective on personality traits and alcohol misuse: Evidence from the Health and Retirement Study. The Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics. 18(2): 75-92.


(20) Maclean, J.C., Webber, D.A., French, M.T. (2015) Workplace problems, mental health, and substance use. Applied Economics.  47(9): 883-905.


(19) Maclean, J.C., Webber, D.A., French, M.T., Ettner, S.L. (2015) The health consequences of adverse labor market events: Evidence from panel data. Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society.  54(3):476-498.


(18) Maclean, J.C., French, M.T. (2014) Personality disorders, alcohol use, and alcohol misuse. Social Science & Medicine.  12: 286-330. 


(17) Maclean, J.C. (2014) Does leaving school in an economic downturn impact access to employer-sponsored health insurance? IZA Journal of Labor Policy.  3(19): 2-27.


(16) Maclean, J.C., Webber, D. A., Marti, J. (2014) An application of unconditional quantile regression to cigarette taxes. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management.  33(1):188-210.


(15) Maclean, J.C., Xu, H., French, M.T., Ettner, S.E. (2014) Personality disorders and body weight. Economics and Human Biology.  12:153-171.


(14) Maclean, J.C., Cawley, J.H. (2014) The effect of rising obesity on the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps. Economics and Human Biology.  15:213-224.


(13) Maclean, J.C., Xu, H., French, M.T., Ettner, S.E. (2014) Mental health and high-cost health care utilization: New evidence from Axis II disorders. Health Services Research. 49(2):683-704.


(12) Popovici, I., French, M.T., Pacula, R., Maclean, J.C., Antonaccio, O. (2014) Cannabis use and antisocial behavior among youth. Sociological Inquiry.  84(1):131-162.


(11) Maclean, J.C. (2013) The health effects of leaving school in a bad economy. Journal of Health Economics.  32(5):951-964.


(10) Maclean, J.C., Xu, H., French, M.T., Ettner, S.E.  (2013) Mental health and sexual behaviors: Evidence from Axis II Disorders. The Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics.  16(4):187-208.

(9) Cawley, J.H., Maclean, J.C. (2013) The consequences of rising youth obesity for U.S. Military Academy Admissions. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy. 35(1): 32-51.


(8) Cawley, J.H., Maclean, J.C. (2012) Unfit for service: The implications of rising obesity for U.S. military recruitment.  Health Economics. 21(11): 1348-1366.

              -NBER Working Paper 16408.


(7) Ettner, S.E., Maclean, J.C., French, M.T. (2011) Does having a dysfunctional personality hurt your career? Axis II personality disorders and labor market outcomes. Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society. 50(1): 149-173.


(6) French, M.T., Maclean, J.C., Sindelar, J.L., Fang, H. (2011) The morning after: Alcohol misuse and

employment problems. Applied Economics. 21:2705-2720.


(5) French, M.T., Norton, E.C., Fang, H., Maclean, J.C. (2010) Alcohol consumption and body weight. Health Economics. 19(7): 814-832.


(4) French, M.T., Popovici, I., Maclean, J.C. (2009) Do alcohol consumers exercise more? Findings from a national survey. American Journal of Health Promotion. 24(1):2-10.


(3) Balsa, A.I., French, M.T., Maclean, J.C., Norton, E.C. (2009) From pubs to scrubs: Alcohol misuse and health care use. Health Services Research. 44(5p.1): 1480-1503.


(2) French, M.T., Maclean, J.C., Ettner, S.L. (2008) Drinkers and bettors: Investigating the complementarity of alcohol consumption and problem gambling. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 96(1-2):155-164.


(1) French, M.T., Maclean, J.C. (2006) Underage alcohol use, delinquency, and criminal activity. Health Economics. 15:1261-1281.

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